The Ultimate Guide To Passing Advanced Performance Management
Aniqua Jillani
This guide explores the ACCA advanced performance management from various angles and consists of points and tips that you should reflect on when studying this paper and aiming to secure a pass. During these unpredictable times, new learning methods are used. Therefore, VIFHE, an online learning platform provides access to a self-paced APM course that will let you get on with your ACCA qualification.
When you are studying this paper it will benefit you to understand the nature of this paper so that you can gain insight as to what will be examined. Accordingly, you should have a good grasp of its basic knowledge. What many students do is that they think that the knowledge from PM and MA form part of the APM exam but according to the ACCA examiner report, this paper covers areas from SBL. You should expect the examiner to examine this paper in a deeper capacity.
Rizwan Maniya is a highly qualified APM tutor at VIFHE. The extent of his knowledge and teaching capabilities can be judged from the fact that he has conducted 5 APM ACCA Webinars and has secured 7 APM nationwide positions. He is a well-versed ACCA tutor that helps students with this paper. His APM course outlines and explains this subject in an easy to understand style. If you want to study APM from anywhere around the world, then CLICK HERE to register at VIFHE.
Learn To Interpret The Requirement Correctly
Advanced Performance Management focuses more on the synthesis and evaluation of the key topics and techniques. Therefore, when you are planning your answer, focus on the requirement. When reading the questions try to understand links between issues at the strategic, tactical, and operational levels. There are many articles in the ACCA students resource section that will help you understand the question requirement
Attempt to gain easy marks
Practice past exam papers exhaustively. When you do this it will become easier to understand the paper pattern and that way you can choose to answer the requirements that you are most confident in. The key is to practice thoroughly.
Evaluate your answer and provide recommendation
It is crucial that you evaluate and assess alternative approaches from different angles .This assessment should be based on the information you collected from exhibits, models or techniques explicitly required. Finally, move on to Justifying your advice using the evidence given in the scenario.
A well presented answer is well perceived by the examiner
It is important that you organize your answer. Try as much as possible to neatly structure your paragraphs in a well explained manner. It is important that you present your calculations in clear style and then make sure to provide clear reference to them as well so that you can show the examiner how you arrive at the final answer.
Avoid generalization
What you don't want to do in an exam is give vague answers. For this reason it is important that you apply as per scenario. At the onset of paper your role is defined so make sure to answer in the capacity of that role.
These are some of the tips that you can use and apply when attempting your past papers or kit.
Other helpful resources
In the ACCA study support resource section of ACCA global website you can find useful articles and paper technique content that might help you in this paper. Apart from these join our upcoming webinars and revision classes. You can also subscribe to our YouTube Channel.

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