Our Vision

We desire to become a global leader in offering the best virtual higher educational podium to accommodate to the professional learning of students by offering the ultimate solution to them. We intend to provide business-relevant, most preferred qualifications to people of application, skill, and ambition all over the world to those who are looking for a gratifying career in their perspective fields.

Key Attributes of the Faculty

The VIFHE faculty comprises highly qualified and experienced teachers, each bringing a wealth of knowledge to the online Education.
  • Faculty members possess teaching experience ranging from 5 to 30 years, providing a rich depth of expertise and a variety of perspectives.
  • The faculty includes professionals with extensive corporate world experience, offering students valuable insights into real-world applications.
  • Utilizing advanced online education methodologies, the faculty ensures a modern and effective learning experience.
  • Faculty members are well-versed in current industry trends and updates, equipping students with relevant and timely information.
  • Driven by a passion for education, the faculty is committed to ensuring a high success rate for all students, supporting their academic and professional growth.

Key Attributes of the Faculty

The VIFHE faculty comprises highly qualified and experienced teachers, each bringing a wealth of knowledge to the online Education.
  • Faculty members possess teaching experience ranging from 5 to 30 years, providing a rich depth of expertise and a variety of perspectives.
  • The faculty includes professionals with extensive corporate world experience, offering students valuable insights into real-world applications.
  • Utilizing advanced online education methodologies, the faculty ensures a modern and effective learning experience.
  • Faculty members are well-versed in current industry trends and updates, equipping students with relevant and timely information.
  • Driven by a passion for education, the faculty is committed to ensuring a high success rate for all students, supporting their academic and professional growth.

Our Team

ACCA Faculty

Rizwan Maniya
PM, FM & APM (Eng, Urdu/Hindi)

 +13 Years Teaching Experience.

 Delivered more than 10 Global Webinars (PM & APM) organized by ACCA Pakistan.
 40+ Global & Nationwide Position Holders.
Hasan Dossani
(SBL)  (Eng, Urdu/Hindi)
 +20 Years Teaching Experience
 Currently, A Director Finance In a Multinational Company
 15 Global & Nationwide Position Holders.
Ahmed Mumtaz

 +11 Years Teaching Experience

 Delivered 3 Global Webinars (AA) organized by ACCA Pakistan
 Multiple Global & Nationwide Position Holders.
Taha Popatia
MA & AFM (Eng) (Urdu/Hindi)

 Subject Specialist (MA & AFM)

 +10 Years Teaching Experience
 Multiple Global & Nationwide Position Holders.

Aaisha Faisal
FR (Eng) & SBR (Eng)

 +5 Years Teaching Experience

 Senior Analyst with Big4 Audit Firms Worldwide
 Multiple Global & Nationwide Position Holders.

Syed Amjad Hussain
SBR (Urdu/Hindi)

 Subject Specialist (SBR)

 +10 Years Teaching Experience

 Current position - "Senior Partner" at Focus Financial and Tax Consultants

Saniya Asif
TX (Eng) & ATX (Eng)

 +19 Years Teaching Experience

 Produced Multiple Nationwide and Global Prize Winners.

Rameez Arain
TX (Urdu/Hindi) & ATX (Urdu/Hindi)

 +17 Years Teaching Experience

 Delivered multiple Global Webinars (TX & ATX).

 8+ Nationwide Position Holders.

Ali Amanullah
FR (Urdu/Hindi)

 Subject Specialist (FR)

 +5 Years Teaching Experience

Manager Accounts & Tax in Pharmaceutical Company

Khalid Fareed Abbassi

 Subject Specialist (LW)

 +30 Years Teaching Experience

Tahir Sartaj

 Approved OBU Mentor

 Fellow Member of ACCA

 Vice Chairman of ''Member Network Panel'' ACCA

 +15 Years Teaching Experience

Mufti Ibrahim Essa
Islamic Finance

Subject Specialist (Islamic Finance)

 Masters in Quran and Sunnah from Darul Uloom

 Shariah Advisor/Board Member for international Islamic institutions

OBU Faculty

Tahir Sartaj

  Approved OBU Mentor

  Fellow Member of ACCA

  Vice Chairman of ''Member Network Panel'' ACCA

  +15 Years Teaching Experience

Syed Amjad Hussain

 Approved OBU Mentor

 +10 Years Teaching Experience

 Current position - "Senior Partner" at Focus Financial and Tax Consultants

Islamic Finance Faculty

Mufti Ibrahim Essa
Islamic Finance

 Subject Specialist (Islamic Finance)

 Masters in Quran and Sunnah from Darul Uloom

 Shariah Advisor/Board Member for international Islamic institutions

Why Choose Vifhe

VIFHE is a rapidly expanding online learning platform offering specialized programs tailored to uncover global market insights.



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Rizwan Maniya

Teaching Methodology
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Hasan Dossani

Teaching Methodology
Write your awesome label here.

Taha Popatia

Teaching Methodology
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Ahmed Mumtaz

Teaching Methodology
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Aaisha Faisal

Teaching Methodology
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Saniya Asif

Teaching Methodology
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Syed Amjad Hussain

Teaching Methodology
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Rameez Arain

Teaching Methodology
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Ali Amanullah

Teaching Methodology
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Khalid Fareed Abbasi

Teaching Methodology
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