Practice makes you perfect' as a student you must have heard this a lot. Well, it is a reality and without it, you won't be able to make it. On that note, we at vifhe offer featured mock exams, have you heard of these?
Mock exams are interactive study support resources that will help you in your ACCA exam practice.
By providing mock exams we achieve a milestone in our objective that is to see you succeed. With this in mind, this practice approach is designed so that you gain insight into what you know and learn what you don't know.
Important details you should know about
Vifhe offers these mock exams to upskill students so they are better equipped to sit real exams. The time leading up to the exam requires your focus, strategy and commitment. For this reason, these mocks follow current exam syllabus, format and structure.
Students will go through these steps:
● Attempt mock under exam conditions
● These mocks are marked by expert tutors
● The tutors gives tailored feedback including debrief on student's issues that need clarification
Benefits to students:
These mock exams replicate the actual exams format of on demand CBE, therefore, it will provide the following list of benefits:
You can assess your performance:
Mock exams allow you to understand areas you performed well and areas that require improvement.
Tailor your final revision according to mock performance
This will allow you to get insight on how to organize your final revision by practicing improvement areas first then moving towards areas performed well. This will help you remain focused.
Expectations for live exams
Since these are attempted in an exam conditions it allows students to familiarize themselves with the real exam pattern.
What VIFHE offers?
Buy these mock exam and get the following benefits
● Access to highly qualified tutors.
● Access to practice questions that the tutors expect will appear in the exam.
● Allows you to finish your revision and test your skills by way of this practice.
● Get detailed feedback as well as debrief on:
○ Your strength
○ Your weakness
○ Time management
○ Overall performance
Dilemma students face in exams
Students' nerves and anxiety! These are hard to control and impact their performance. So it is necessary to take control of how you approach the exam and what techniques to apply.
Are these you problem areas?
● Your knowledge is good but you still didn't get the desired mark to pass,
● Do you struggle with question requirements?
● Running out of time
● Do you find arithmetic questions hard?
If the answer to above questions is yes then it may be because you did not apply the correct exam technique. The mock exam vifhe offers incorporates these issues in tutors feedback so don't miss this opportunity and get them now.
The tutors also give tailored advice to students on how to plan their whole paper based on the mock performance. Plus, they also discuss the exam technique on a general basis where examiners' comments on students' mistakes is highlighted. This allows students to avoid mistakes recently made by their predecessors.
So that's it! Now that you know how useful this resource is don't miss this opportunity and get it. So that you're well on your way to passing your next ACCA exam.